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    Kingood Aluminium Windows & Doors Inc. is one of the leading manufacturers of
aluminium windows and doors in China. As our Motto goes: Construct Eternity,
Accomplish Perfection, the philosophy of Kingood has always been based on
quality and durability with innovative design, extraordinary craftsmanship,
and excellent customer service.

Kingood focuses attention on the basics, using only high quality materials
to make sure that specifications are always met, or surpassed. On top of
that, our advanced production lines, with a capacity of 600,000 square
meters yearly, guarantee on time delivery.

We have been cooperating with overseas house builders, manufacturers of
aluminium windows and doors, and wholesale traders, from all over the
world in various ways: direct selling, design and manufacturing on
requirement, and OEM.

We have gained improvement by listening to our partners, end users and
employees. We have built a platform open to refinement and renovation,
which is a continuous progress towards relentless pursuit of perfection.

The most important of all is that our highly trained teams are entirely
dedicated to what they are expected and demanded to the satisfaction of
our clients, to perfection and eternity.
所在地区:广东 查看电子地图
主办:中国建筑金属结构协会铝门窗幕墙分会 (Email:almencn@public3.bta.net.cn) ICP证:蜀ICP备10002967号-3
服务热线 0832-2203290 2203846(tel)   会员服务专线:0832-2203868 0832-2201098(fax)
Email:alwindoor@163.comCopyright © Alwindoor.com, All Rights Reserved 中国幕墙网,版权所有 内江市网警支队备案:51100003000007